Cell Site Analysis image by Anucha Cheechang (via Shutterstock).

Cell Site Analysis and Cracking Crime

How mobile communications, via cell site analysis, has played a successful role in fighting crime

Fact: when you switch your mobile phone on, somebody else could trace your whereabouts. There are now ‘find my phone’ tracer apps which are good for tracing lost mobile phones. This is only half of the story. In forensics, we use what is known as Cell Site Analysis. This enables us to trace the whereabouts of a given person at the scene of a crime.

Forensics image by Daria Serdtseva (via Shutterstock).

Public Private Partnership Keeps Forensics Site on Task

How a Public Private Partnership has kept the Regional Scientific Support Unit going in Yorkshire, with forensics work carried out for other police forces

Thanks to funding cuts, public sector bodies have had to turn to other ways of making their services pay. It has been a painful process that has resulted in, for example, the closure of public libraries and leisure facilities. In the last five years, it has put pressure on police forces, with forensics being hard hit in favour of front line services.

Smartphone image by ImYanis (via Shutterstock).

Search Warrants for Smartphones?

Should smartphones, owing to their complex nature, be subject to search warrants?

Today’s mobile phone is a complex beast. The data storage of modern day smartphones is akin to that of late-1990s personal computers. The telephone part of the smartphone seems to be secondary to its apps, built-in camera, video files, and its storage capacity. Back in 1999, storing 20 names on your phone was bleeding edge.